Package options

Sign up today for a FREE 2 Month trial

Single branch
package price icon

£199 / month

  • Create unlimited listings
  • Unlimited duration for each listing until sold
  • Record analytics for properties sold/tenanted
  • Cancel anytime
Multi branch
package price icon

£599 / month

  • Create unlimited listings
  • Unlimited duration for each listing until sold
  • Record analytics for properties sold/tenanted
  • Cancel anytime
  • Create multiple branches
  • Create multiple sales agents
  • Record analytics for each branch and agent
How it works
How it works diagram

What's included?

Active listings dashboard

Unlimited listings

Create an unlimited number of listings which can be listed for an unlimited duration, until sold/tenanted.

Analytics dashboard

Sales analytical data

View analytical data for current, previously sold, and tenanted properties.

Analytics dashboard

Tenant management

Store tenant records for easy access.

Analytics dashboard

Multiple agents & branches

Create unlimited number of agents and branches. (Multi branch users only).